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Seeking sponsorship to attend to the 7th. International conference on: Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH) - 12-15 Sept. 2023

Dear fellows: By this mean, I want to announce that I am Seeking sponsorship to attend to the 7th. International conference on: Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH) - 2023 Why I am interested to attend to this CAH conference?: - First, this is one of the most important conference of Conservation (and therefore Preservation by sub consequence) of Architectural Heritage of world - Second, this conference is hosted by the prestigious scientific Egyptian - and International - institute IEREK ( International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange ) , which is dedicated to spread technologies and scientific knowledge in many of these fields all over the world: " IEREK – International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange – is an international institution that is concerned with the exchange of knowledge an...

The links of "Theory of construction of the Giza plateau pyramids":

These are the most important links of my scientific research work: Little reference in the Spanish version of Wikipedia:ías_sobre_la_construcción_de_las_pirámides#Nueva_teoría_emergente Publication of the "Theory of construction of the Giza plateau pyramids" in the prestigious scientific Indian journal IJISRT:   My participation in the:  4th. international conference of Parallelism in Architecture, Engineering and Computing Techniques (PACT) 2022 - IEREK and University of East London. 17-18 October, 2022:   IV Congresso Ibérico de Egiptología, Lisboa, Portugal, 13 - 17 September 2010: https://www....

"Theory of construction of the Giza plateau pyramids" is published by the prestigious scientific Indian journal IJISRT

My Theory of construction of the Giza plateau pyramids   was accepted by Egyptians when they invited  me to expose it in the  3rd. Edition of the CAH (Conservation of Architectural Heritage) conference on 2019, hosted annually in Cairo, Egypt, by the prestigious scientific Egyptian institute IEREK   and Now is published by the prestigious scientific Indian journal IJISRT : Publication of the "Theory of construction of the Giza plateau pyramids" by the prestigious scientific Indian journal IJISRT This Journal is indexed in the following places : I hope attend to the CAH ( Conservation of Architectural Heritage ) conference in Egypt someday, hosted yearly by the prestigious international Egyptian scientific institute IEREK, where I was invited to expose my scientific research work ( page 5 on Conference program ) : 3rd. Edition of the CAH (Conservation of Architectural Heritage) conference on 2019, hosted yea...

Theory of construction of the Giza plateau pyramids - Original title: Hypothesis of construction of the pyramids of the valley* of Gizeh (Giza) >> * Valley: plateau meaning, according to original copyright

Theory of construction of the Giza plateau pyramids (Original title: Hypothesis of construction of the pyramids of the valley* of Gizeh (Giza)) *  Valley: plateau meaning, according to original copyright Prof. Carlos Eduardo Rodríguez Varona Online professor of Physics and Computing Lima, Perú Camagüey city, Camagüey, Cuba Tech. Dámaso René Rodríguez Vives  ( † ) ( † ) : deceased Acknowledgements I wish to thanks all people who helped me and this theory to see light through years 2003 – 2020. In particular, thanks to Ma. Aymée Chicuri Lastra, curator of Ancient Egypt room of the National Museum of Fine Arts of Cuba, who helped me to show this work when nobody paid attention about it, there in 2006 year. She gave good sign to this work to get the route definitively. It is gratefully to have known many persons interested in this work over all Internet, many of them helped me without any kind of inter...